Atlantic Circuit, Graham & Pam Marchand

Having crewed on two previous west-going Atlantic crossings, Graham was keen to skipper his own boat and complete the circuit returning via Bermuda and the Azores. He and Pam will talk about the boat and their preparation as well as the different legs from Portsmouth to Las Palmas, the ARC via Cape Verdes, time in the Caribbean and the return passage. There was no big drama, but many interesting and sometimes challenging experiences. They hope to interest those who have undertaken similar passages and encourage anyone planning to do so for the first time.

Date: Wednesday 10 October. Lectures and talks start promptly at 1900 hrs.

Place: CA House

Booking: To book places on any lecture, and to indicate whether you’ll be ordering food, click on [Book Events Online]. Please pay on the door as usual. Any problems with the booking system, call or email Jeremy on 0207 5437 2828/ Tickets are: £4 for members and £7 for non-members. Season tickets are available at £28 for the nine lectures from 3 October to 5 December.