Cruising the Turquoise Coast of Turkey

Cruising the Turquoise Coast of Turkey, by Bill Anstead

Bill and wife Chris cruised to the Mediterranean from England in Ulendo V, their Wauquiez Centurion 40, reaching Turkey after five years in 2011 and exploring its SW coast for the next two. They rate Turkey among the best cruising areas in the Med. It is one of the foremost countries in the world seeking to protect its environment on land, sea and air, through many laws and regulations, which are in varying stages of development and implementation. As well as illustrating the enjoyment to be had cruising this coast, the talk will give an update on how these are implemented, how they affect the cruiser, and the latest on checking the boat and crew in and out between Turkey and the nearby Greek islands.

Individual lecture tickets: Members £4.00 , Non-members £7.00. Season tickets available.

To book contact the CA Office. Tel: 0207 537 2828 or email

Lectures and talks start promptly at 19:00hrs