
Navigating the Arctic, David Fairhall - POSTPONED due to snow

Sat, 19/01/2013 - 18:00 to 22:30


Navigating the Arctic – The Consequences of its Imminent Meltdown,  David Fairhall

The View from the Bridge, Richard Wild FRIN MNI

Sat, 17/11/2012 - 10:00 to 14:00

Joint meeting with the RIN.

Daytime Meeting on board SB Melissa at RHYC Marina, Woolverstone.

Refreshments 10:00, Talk 10:30, Bar open 12:00, Lunch at 12:30

Numbers restricted, booking essential.

A Life Afloat with Mike Peyton

Fri, 21/09/2012 - 18:00 to 22:30

We are very lucky to have been able to persuade the renowned East Coast sailor and cartoonist, Mike Peyton, to join us for an evening of reminiscence and humour. The evening will take the form of a sit down supper and “after dinner speech”.

 "A Life Afloat with Mike Peyton"

 Friday 21 September 2012

Evening Meeting on boardat RHYC, Woolverstone.

Bar open 18:00, Meal at 18:45, Talk 20:00


Chatham Historic Dockyard - All Day Coach Trip

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 08:30 to 18:00

We have booked a group visit to Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent. Valerie and David visited the dockyard last summer as part of their summer cruise and enjoyed it so much that they returned for a second visit on the following day. There is so much to see: three Historic Warships covering a century of development, the oldest working ropewalk in the world, a series of tableau illustrating the World of Wooden ships and Nelson’s Navy,

Navigation Seminar - When the Chips are Down, chaired by Tom Cunliffe

Sat, 27/10/2012 - 09:30 to 17:00

Navigation and Seamanship, or When the Chips are Down

FULLY BOOKED, but waiting list in operation

All day Seminar at RHYC Woolverstone

Tom Cunliffe, the well known yachting journalist and author, renowned for his practical and down to earth approach, will chair this all day seminar. Throughout the day the emphasis will be on practical navigation for cruising.

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean, at RHYC Suffolk, starts 7/1/12

Sat, 07/01/2012 - 09:00 to 17:00


This course includes astro navigation, ocean passage making, worldwide meteorology and electronic navigation.

We have arranged the course as 3 Weekends at the start of the Year

Weekends: Saturdays & Sundays

  • January 7th & 8th
  • January 14th & 15th,
  • January  21st & 22nd


Instructors: David Foreman & Graham Bush of Sea Train Sailing


Fee for Members of RHYC, WCC or CA, £230

Non members £250


Peter Duck. Note the revised timetable.

Sat, 04/02/2012 - 16:30 to 22:30

An Evening in Two Parts with Julia Jones

Afternoon and Evening Meeting at RHYC, Woolverstone.

Note the revised timetable. 

Caister Men Never Turn Back

Fri, 28/10/2011 - 18:00 to 22:30

Caister Men Never Turn Back.  Donald Hill

The Caister Lifeboat service remains proudly independent of the RNLI. They have a reputation for determination and courage and have their roots in the Beach Companies which operated from the Norfolk coast, mainly salvaging the many wrecks which occurred on the off lying banks in the days of sail, although they would “salvage” the ships crews as well if possible. Donald Hill has made a lifetime‟s study of their history. A collection in the aid of the service will be taken at the meeting.

The Story of Navigation

Sat, 17/03/2012 - 18:00 to 22:30

The Story of Navigation.  Jeremy Batch

We just had to invite Jeremy to return after the wonderful evening he gave us last year.

Jeremy is legendary for the quality of his presentations, depth of knowledge and droll sense of humour. This promises to be another evening not to be missed. How did they navigate in the early days? How did they manage without a compass? What about the very latest developments in navigation? Come along and find out about these mysteries, together with much, much more.

Dropping in at The Bahamas

Sat, 21/01/2012 - 18:00 to 22:30

Suffolk Section members Mike and Angie have spent the last few years circumnavigating the world in their yacht Lady of Lorien. They plan to arrive back in Ipswich in the autumn and we have persuaded them to come along and tell of their experiences. We cannot remember any „round the world‟ talk mentioning the Bahamas, so this seemed a good idea as a topic for us.

(Note the change of date from that advertised in May)