St.Malo to Bordeaux on 'Viagra'

St. Malo to Bordeaux on’ Viagra’

In theory it was the prefect cruise. Two weeks to get from St. Malo to Bordeaux providing plenty of opportunity to sample the food and wines of France as the crew of two gently headed south. True it meant navigating two of the most ferocious tidal gates in the northern hemisphere, true the area is prone to fog, true it’s the Bay of Biscay with rock strewn lee shores. But what could possibly go wrong? The passage was not only a test of sailing skills but friendship as two totally different approaches to sailing collided. Trevor Taylor retells the story of this dramatic cruise. Oh and where does Viagra fit in? Come along and discover.

Bar Open: 1830

Talk starts promptly: 1930

CA members £3 and Guests £5