Events & Courses
Lectures and talks at CA House and at other venues are hugely popular with members and are open to non-members as well. These events are informative, inspirational, entertaining and popular so booking in advance is strongly recommended. If you decide to go along at the last minute please give us a call to check there are still places available.
Meals and drinks are available before and after the talks, and for CA House events members can book accommodation if they wish to stay overnight.
Lectures and seminars take place between October and March.
Seminars, held at CA House and elsewhere around the UK and run over one or two days with talks and discussions with question and answer sessions. Like our lectures, we welcome members and non-members to these informative events. They are given by a mix of members with real experience and outside experts, providing really worthwhile introductions to cruising areas like the Baltic, Biscay, Blue Water and the Mediterranean.
There are also seminars for new members, information-packed days about cruising areas, equipment and documentation, going foreign for the first time, and how to use our website and the CAptain’s Mate app. New members’ seminars are also great opportunities to make new friends and enjoy the camaraderie of CA membership.
Forthcoming Events and Booking
Details of forthcoming lectures and seminars, all events and events at venues around the UK:
All Events Events at venues around the UK
Some events are broadcast via Zoom, either exclusively or as hybrid events that you can attend in person at the venue or watch via Zoom, although joining some events via Zoom is available to members only. Details to register to join any Zoom event can be found on its individual event page which you can find via the blue 'ALL EVENTS' button above. To book to attend an event in person, click/tap the red 'BOOK VENUE' button below.
Book VenueSection Events
In addition to events at CA House, our Local/UK Sections organise events in their area including talks, dinners, excursions and other social events. See details of forthcoming Section events here.

Rallies and cruises in company, organised by sections, are a popular and fun way to explore new cruising areas or share favourite haunts. Members get together on the water - it can be anywhere from the Beaulieu River to the BVIs. Our UK Sections organise local rallies while our Cruising Sections arrange rallies further afield.
Rallies are well researched and organised but allow flexibility in the event of weather or other upsets. Berths are arranged in advance so no need to worry about space when you arrive. The passages and harbours, social get-togethers, shoreside excursions and time to relax make our rallies hugely popular with members.
RYA Courses
We have six RYA-accredited training partners throughout the UK with discounted prices for members. If the freedom of exploring by sea appeals, but you want to increase your knowledge, CA membership is a great place to start.
See the full list of upcoming courses here.