French Language Class for Sailors on Zoom

Details: Translate the local French weather forecast, converse with an engineer about a leaky salt water pump. Arrive in port knowing how to talk to the marina staff who offer to take your lines or the chap at the fuel dock. Be confident in asking a passing fishing boat for some sardines.

This is a live online French language course of 6 x one hour sessions with the focus on what you might need as a sailor visiting France. You will brush up on your existing French. It will be very interactive with lots of conversation. All from the comfort and bug free safety of your own home.

The teacher, Jenny, started sailing when she was 4 and after establishing a teaching career rising to Head of Languages in Pimlico School in London she sailed off down to the Med, through Suez into the Red Sea and beyond to eventually Australia. After 5 years of adventuring she returned to the UK to resume teaching French, German and Spanish.

In 2005 she moved to France where she now teaches French and English.

She will concentrate on speaking and understanding skills to help you deal with officials and trades people in the marine world as well as making conversation with French friends and boat neighbours. Her lessons are enjoyable, sociable and confidence boosting.

The course will be run online through Zoom. On your PC/MAC/Mobile you will be able to see the instructor, any slides she might show, there is a whiteboard function and you can ask herany questions. It is just like being in the classroom, but you can 'stay safe' at home!

The course is run by First Class Sailing and full details can be found here.

Dates: 15/22 Feb, 1/8/15/22 March 2022 (Tuesday evenings)

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Place: Your own home or boat

Cost: £275, discounted price for CA members £245.

CA members' discount code: CA5569