Denmark Information Day

Denmark Information Day, Saturday 16th November 2019,  1100 to approx 1530 at CA House

Our series of one-day Information Days featuring specific countries continues with Denmark Information Day.  Presentations will feature many aspects of sailing in this country, including getting there, preparations before you leave and what to expect when you are there.     Principal speaker Nicholas Hill supported by a number of other experienced Denmark and Baltic sailors.  Full details will be available later but if you plan to visit Denmark in the future put this date in the diary now. 

Admission to the day - CA members – no charge for the day (but there will be a charge of £14 for the buffet lunch if required).

Non CA members - £15 admission (plus £14 for the buffet lunch if required).

Booking forms attached in both Word and pdf format.

If you plan to be with us on this day, please complete the form and send to the Baltic Section Treasurer (