MailAsail: On-board Communications Present and Future

Joint Blue Water Section Secretaries, Anne & Mike Hartshorn will host this talk by Ed Wildgoose. The talk will be broadcast via Zoom and is open to all, members and non-members.

Ed will discuss how to connect to the internet and what types of equipment are available for your Bluewater and local cruising needs. Ed Wildgoose has many years experience in this industry, being a director of MailASail, and has advised thousands of cruising yachtsmen.

MailASail  is the premier satellite phone retailer in the UK and their niche is offering the best backup and support. The business is unusual in that as well as being an equipment and airtime reseller, they also build custom hardware and software, which allows them to join the dots and offer customers a complete end to end solution. He is also in a good position to talk about `the new kid on the block’ - Starlink.

Time will be allowed at the end of the presentation for a Q&A session. Please submit your questions via the Q&A box on Zoom and these will be covered at the end of the presentation.

Date: Wednesday 5 April 2023

Time: 19:00

Place: Your own home or boat (Zoom webinar)

Booking: You will need to register in advance here to join via Zoom