The Cruising Association’s annual Flag Officers’ Lunch and presentation of Challenge Awards were held at CA House, London, on 11 January 2025.
This key event in the CA’s calendar, hosted by President Robin Baron, celebrates the remarkable dedication and achievements of our volunteers. Their vital contributions play a significant role in advancing the Cruising Association’s mission and enhancing the support we offer to the cruising community worldwide.
CA Patron Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, guest of honour at the event, presented the prestigious awards, stating, "Congratulations to all this year’s award recipients. Your expertise, hard work and passion form the foundation of everything the CA achieves. Today is our opportunity to recognise and thank you for your exceptional contributions to our community."

The event gathered many of the CA’s volunteers whose efforts were honoured through the Challenge Awards. These Awards showcase the diverse roles within the association, from committee members and Section Secretaries to Cruising Guide authors, technical experts, and forum contributors.
President Robin Baron paid tribute to the vital role of volunteers, noting, "The CA thrives on the generosity and skills of its members. These awards celebrate those who go above and beyond, contributing to the growth and vibrancy of our community. Their efforts epitomise the spirit of the CA, expanding access to cruising knowledge and enriching our shared experiences."

The 2024 Challenge Award recipients are:
The President’s Plate
Awarded for: outstanding service to the CA.
Presented to: Martin Sutcliffe for his leadership as Chair of the Marketing Communications Committee in overseeing the successful development and execution of the 2024 CA Membership Survey.
The Duchess of Kent Trophy
Awarded to: a person who has achieved something exceptional in or around small boats.
Presented to: Kirsten Neuschäfer for her remarkable rescue of Tapio Lehtinen during the 2022 Golden Globe Race, before ultimately going on to win the race and making history as the first woman to do so.
The Desmond Scott Memorial Cup
Awarded for: the most outstanding contribution by a member to the work of the CA.
Presented to: Nigel Cuthbert for his work in facilitating the reimportation of EU VAT-paid boats into Greece and successfully advocating for the removal of the transit log requirement.
The Fid
Awarded for: the best article on cruising matters to be published in Cruising.
Presented to: Tony Montgomery-Smith for his heartfelt and inspiring article in the December 2024 issue of Cruising, sharing the experience of sailing with his wife, Ann, as she navigates Alzheimer’s.
The Knight Cup
Awarded for: authorship of a major body of work published by the CA in any written format.
Presented to: Andy Mulholland for his ‘50 Great Inland Cruising Routes in the Netherlands’, a 280-page publication packed with invaluable information, representing a significant contribution to cruising knowledge.
The Laver Sextant
Awarded for: services to the Sections.
Presented to: Fiona Slay and Malcolm Denham for their work in reinvigorating the Wessex Section.
The Bradley Cup
Awarded: on the recommendation of the current and past Presidents.
Presented to: Fay and Graham Cattell for their ceaseless and dedicated work as Joint Section Secretaries of the Baltic Section since January 2005.
The Brittain Cup
Awarded for: most valuable contribution to knowledge of a cruising area.
Presented to: Sam Steele for her work co-ordinating the editors of CAptain’s Mate, ensuring successful content delivery to the app.
The Michael Manton Commemorative Plate
Awarded for: innovative work to build the CA’s cruising community in the Mediterranean
Presented to: Peggie Manton in recognition of her remarkable work over 30 years as Secretary of the Mediterranean Section, which she co-founded with her late husband Michael in 1994.
The Dussek Plate
Awarded for: the most valuable collection of forum posts.
Presented to: Malcolm Denham for his contributions on diesel and other technical topics.
The Polaris Award
Awarded for: exceptional contribution to location information for the CA’s renowned Cruising Almanac, CAptain’s Mate and range of Cruising Guides.
Presented to: Dennis Knight, Gail Hogg and Paul Hampden Smith.
Members can view further information about the Challenge Awards and recipients here.

Become a CA Volunteer
If you are interested in sharing your expertise and passion to support the CA’s work, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Lucy Gray, Chief Operating Officer, at Whether you can spare a little time or more, your contribution will make a real difference.
14 January 2025